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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() DARKONE
![]() The Legend Of The Dark One
The Dark One sat on his throne, surveying his evil minions at their work. His lips curled into a thin, cruel smile, the kind of smile that your headmaster used to get when he realised how much trouble you were in. The Dark One was pleased: the Work was almost complete.
He heaved his vast bulk from the chair, and staggered down the long hall. On either side of him, the creatures he had enslaved to his dark will worked as fast as they could, ever watchful for the mistake that could spell disaster should the Dark One spot it. Everything must be perfect for the Dark One.
As he walks, raw, evil magic crackles in the air, like a cheap firework, only slightly more impressive. The Dark One's power grows each passing moment, in preperation for the annual night of evil, when he fills the world with his dark influence. Imagine Bob Hoskins in the BT adverts: well the Dark One is even more evil than that.
Suddenly, one of the wretched minions drops his work. It clatters to the floor, and shatters on the last bounce. All present hold their breath, as the Dark One turns, and surveys his doomed worker.
"What have you done, little elf?"
"I..I smashed it Master."
"Yes, you did, didn't you. But don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you."
"Yes. I'm going to hurt you a lot."
With that, the little goblin explodes in a burst of chaos magic. The Dark One throws back his head and laughs, and the other elves work harder.
Two weeks later, and all is ready. The Dark One is bloated with his power, for his followers have reached the pinacle of their worship for him. He smiles, for he knows that nothing can stop him now. He holds up a hand, and time slows, until a single moment seems stretched to infinity. The Dark One puts on his ceremonial robes, red to symbolise the blood of the death of innocence which he brings about. The Dark One will always be. No matter how many followers he loses, more spring up to take their place.
Dressed in his robes, he mounts his dark chariot, pulled by his beasts, his abominations against nature. He flys into the night sky, to deliver his power to all, that they be touched by the dark demons of greed and jealousy. And the people accept these gladly, some even unaware of the dark force in control. And the Dark One laughs long and loud.
"Ho, ho, ho," screams the Dark One, "Lead on Rudolph."
The Dark One will be coming in December. His powers mean he sees you all the time. You cannot run from him. Beware...
Merry Christmas.
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